Thursday, December 9, 2021

Zappadan 2021

Zappadan was initiated in 2006 on the defunct blog The Aristocrats. The idea was a 17-day celebration of everything Zappa running from the day of his death (Dec. 4) to the day of his birth (Dec. 21).

There is a Facebook page, and a Tumbler, and Twitter. And there are even a few blogs that make new contributions this year, including CirDecSongs, The Idiot Bastard's Son, and Aaron Pryor's Adventures Into The Well-Known. But the days of many bloggers having much to do with Zappadan seem mostly gone. It is a shame really, since the life of the iconoclastic American Composer is most certainly worth celebrating. 

I usually discuss the year's Zappa additions to the collection, but I did not add any recordings to the stacks this year. I have all the Zappa I probably need, even as more posthumous stuff gets released all the time. In fact, I actually got rid of one Zappa album this year, the pretty terrible Just Another Band From L.A.  from 1972. I continue to be shocked/amazed/disappointed at the short-lived (1970-71) Flo and Eddie version of the Mothers and find the four records they recorded to be some of the least interesting within the Zappa oeuvre. 

What I did do this year is watch Alex Winter's Zappa movie, and listen to the 2-CD soundtrack. I would have to say that the soundtrack is absolutely not the best place to start your Zappa journey, but it probably contains a few goodies for the diehard fan. The movie, on the other hand, while not breaking much new ground, tells much of his story quite well, and hits the highlights of both his musical and political lives.

You can explore my previous Zappadan posts here, and happy Zappadan to all!

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